pengunjung harap tukar link, nanti setelah anda tukar link, jangan lupa saling kunjung tiap hari, jika sepakat ayo tukar link ya, semoga dengan tukar link kita dapat selalu bersama dalam hubungan persahabatan.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

For SEO Link Exchange

To improve the position of the blog Search Engine many ways that we can apply, one way to optimize Search Engine Optimation (SEO). Keyword selection is correct, creating a blog title is short but clear, to promote the blog directory, for example, look at the follow-up mybloglog, Technorati, is actually much more.

I actually accidentally found this, I just tried to link up friends to look neat (although until now has not been neat). Accidentally also google the keyword, "making money with blogs." I really just was posted on both the results of google search, but the title for a link from this friend is helping our blog.

Try calculating how many links from colleagues who look at your blog, if from every link that we can make a combination of keywords, the blog so we can be rich in keywords. Of course this will increase the opportunity to visit our blog when people search through the search engine.

Tips are very easy to understand and apply to our blog, the lack of blog: a link that was so short after this apply the tips to be more long and where to eat, but if for the good of our blog I was not so big problem. Yet we only need to find the appropriate place so that the link does not look awkward or our blog readers as possible.

Ok, you all are in the. Not have someone who can impose the desires of others, "not the blog world, we are free to do harm not only the origin of others." .

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